Smoggybelle's Comments
(4) comments by Smoggybelle

Comments by Date (4)
1-4 of 4
Re: Sporeling Sprout
Was flying around Sporeggar at 12:27pm server time, read a comment that says these spawns every 15 mins, so I waited, at 12:30pm server time, a few spawned, clicked the first one and got a rare xD I was at 19.49, 54.16
Posted: December 23, 2012 11:38:22 PM
Edits: 0
Rating: +1
Re: Harpy Youngling
Flew around Dry Hills at 1:05am server time, found just one, unfortunately, it's a poor.. :O right next to a Windcaller xD
Caught the pet, and the Windcaller screamed at me "You will pay for my sister's death!" XD so cool xD
Posted: December 21, 2012 2:06:21 AM
Edits: 0
Rating: +2
Personally, i enjoyed the quest a lot :D I was frustrated the first time i did it xD then from the second time onwards, i kindda fell in love with it XD
Posted: December 20, 2012 11:07:17 PM
Edits: 0
Rating: 0
1-4 of 4
Flying around and killing mobs around the Nesingwary base camp, didn't see a single Stunted Shardhorn.. got fed up and left the place xD then i saw the paw logo on my minimap, engaged and its an uncommon stunted Shardhorn xD was at 40.27, 45.24