Slyde's Comments
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Comments by Date (4)
I had already completed all the quests in Uldum, so the pets in the 'Cradle of the Ancients' disappeared once I landed. However, just north of the Cradle is the 'Oblisk of the Sun'. All around that are several sets of 3 battle pets. I killed off the non-lizards and eventually Horned Lizards spawned. As I checked those, I killed off two and raid-marked the third. New Horned Lizards would spawn with the one I left raid-marked and I had my rare in about 30 minutes.
Chimeretsu, I have the same problem. I have tamed two Black Lambs but it has been not counted in the acievement. I filed a ticket with support and I'm still waiting to hear back.
They may have improved the drop rate as I got it in my first bag too. This should be listed under Molten Front instead of Mt Hyjal.
RE: Sound - You CAN mute this pet (and all others) under System>Sound>Playback>Enable Pet Sounds. Just uncheck the box.