Sleeper38's Comments
(4) comments by Sleeper38

Comments by Date (4)
found in a cave some big treasure in maldraxxus 51.5 19.6
I think it is the net, what if somone with the buff starts the event, that should mean Horde can loot it to in the end, both event and buff is 5 mins isnt it?
*update* have tried starting the event with the buff no changes, currently farming the tome item on shaman to see if theres something different starting event if its possible, and if you watch gales rest from above the outline looks quite similar to devils isles in french guyana
i farmed the spot in wetlands for several hours, looted about 10000 mobs no pet drop but a 72 hour ban for booting :( so now am i a state do i dare go back and farm again or should i cough up the 5-10 k they sell it for on my server.
I found the rat for cooking recipie close to Koslahki in obsidian rest (52,26) clicked on a semi hiden cheese.