Slambert's Comments
(5) comments by Slambert

Comments by Date (5)
I camped an alt there to get mine. Finally got one at 7:40pm, level 14 - super easy fight. I found him near a giant tree far between two cretors, what I imply from this is that he was so far from adults that his spawning appeared to have nothing to do with farming the adults. I only saw one :)
Worth the wait! Not only is this pet good in battle, but hes cool looking to boot! I spent about 3 hours logging between alts camped here and camped in netherstorm for another pet, finally saw 5 spawn at 2am sharp. Very overcamped from other players so if you want one (let alone a rare one) bring a packed lunch! pretty easy fight, bring a weather effect to the battle and hold it until he does scorch earth so you can cancel it :D
major pain to get (expect fel flame and this little guy to be the hard ones for "safari"). My best advice is to camp an alt there like the other 1000 people on your cross realm server :) He patrols the outside of the mana forges, spent 3 hours hunting on and off, finally bagged one at 2am (saw three total at that time). Happy hunting!
for me they continuously respawned (dozens each day) from 12am-12:45am, once I cleaned out on underground section I just went above ground to the other cellar and cleared it out (there was a short "lul" each day at 12:20 but I stuck it out and more spawned again). Repeated this for 3 days before I got my rare (got it on the third day 6 minutes after midnight).
anyone figure out mana surge yet? Says it does more damage in arcane storm, doesn't do more damage in "arcane winds" which is the weather effect from casting arcane storm, so does that mean only when the actual outside has that weather effect? I think this only happens in netherstorm?