Skag's Comments
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The Kirin Tor emissary is up now, but there are no quests. I really wonder what's going on here.
The 7.1 pet Sanctum Cub from Auriaya has this skin!
I was impatient and frustrated and didn't pay proper attention so I had logged out before I figured out the pets are not near the matriarch per se. When I logged back in to check they were still there!
It's gonna be a while before I'll have the 50 blood of Sargeras needed for this pet.
I found this incredibly frustrating. I'm so glad I finally got it, but instead of proud I was just relieved that it was over.
I followed the spawn points on the Pet Tracker add on, while spamming the parget macro. Worked like a charm.
You can kill NPCs to get the tokens, you don't even have to get flagged.
To counterbalance: I've done it on 5 toons now and not have it drop so the drop rate is not 100%, but it seems to be pretty high.
Someone put him on the AH for 1700 gold! Score! I'm so happy.
The rare I battled today killed himself by casting Scorched Earth. Something to keep in mind :(
Spend some time circling around on my main server, nothing. Went to low pop server, found 1 in the hills behind Starfall. It was blue and dropped a Flawless Beast battle stone. So I got the title and my Baby ape camping is done.
Decided to park an alt in Northrend to camp this pet. My druid came off the zeppelin in Borean Tundra, flew to the nearest known spawn point (Garrosh Landing) and poof, there she was. Uncommon, but there was an undead battlestone waiting for her. Shortest camp ever. Mostly used the Little fawn and hoof, not too much damage but just enough to sometimes have a chance at capture.
When taken on safari this pet can easily deal with wild pets 5 levels higer than them. Really scrappy little thing.
And yet, I only managed to find Little Timmy once. When my DK was in Stormwind for the very first time. I think he threw a tomato at her :(
If you are a class that has the once-a-day-free-wq class hall ability, you can have this pet in about 2 months without leaving your class hall. There is 1 pvp wq every day that rewards 500 honor, that's the one you want to get.