Sistercoyote's Comments
(4) comments by Sistercoyote

Comments by Date (4)
Picked mine up on roll-over last night (4/19-20 at more or less exactly midnight) on Gilneas. Only saw the one, common, but I'll battlestone it when I get the chance.
It started raining at a little bit after 1430 Pacific Time on Gilneas (Don't know what the Server Time would have been, sorry) and there were a bunch around.
I don't know if anyone else has mentioned this, but if you are in a party with someone you can BOTH earn a Jubling at the same time. The way we did it (totally by accident) was:
All members of the party need at least 1 Ale, and you have to actually be in a party.
Find Jubjub
Keep in contact with each other
After Morja says her thing, start the Quest as usual
One person handles the Ale luring
When the ! appears over Morja, each party member can swap an Ale for Jubling!
I had one drop from a Blingtron 6000 yesterday.