Sile9's Comments
(55) comments by Sile9

Comments by Date (55)
This is the final reward for the questline which starts on the very west end of Valdrakken. The short line overall will net you two additional pets - Lubbins and Shyfly, two Ultimate training stones, pet charms, and some assorted family training stones for completing some very simple tasks.
Although the lack of Power is disappointing, Rake and Bubble can make its S/S breed quite durable as it whittles the enemy down with Lash.
In addition to looking amazing, she's a very good size for a battle pet. She will both trot on the ground and take off flying with you occasionally laying down to sleep a few seconds which will just cause her animation to freeze while midair.
Solid moveset as well. Although she lacks the power to truly capitalize on Mana Surge, she is very self-sufficient with strong team synergy being the first Magic pet with a +hit and crit chance buff as well as the first with a team speed buff.
Fight and Flight says it damages the enemy team, but sadly it's only single target. Can't tell if this ability is broken or just poorly worded.
In any case, I'm disappointed as I was really looking forward to the Enrage > Fight and Flight > Akunda's Wrath AoE combo.
Figures the Silver achievement would reward a Bronze pet.
Bear in mind that some of the Advanced courses are impossible without the At Home Aloft dragonriding talent at the end of the tree, so be sure to be grabbing glyphs in between.
I've found this one invaluable for completing critter Family achievements, particularly for fights involving Beasts with high speed like Eyegor's darkhound and spider. Not only can Flash result in a 3 turn Miss streak while Sneak Attack deals bonus damage, but the Nibble interrupt will stall just long enough for Flash's cooldown.
This pairs excellently with Frostfur Rat benefitting massively from its Call Darkness and Refuge.
Animated Radius is now on the Undying Army Quartermasters in Oribos and Maldraxxus for 250 pet charms as well. It remains to be discovered how we will obtain the Flexing Phalanges.
This pet would allow you to have two of your pets Haunting the enemy team at a time. While a second pet using Haunt on the same target would overwrite the effect and prevent the first Haunt pet from reviving, Death Grip will backline a haunted pet first.
Has a unique animation when summoned bursting from a Ardenweald pod.
Pairs well in combat with any of the other Ardenweald squirrel friends dropping Moonlight and then Barrier/Fading into Sir Reginald with buffed healing or Shimmerbough Hoarder/Runelight Leaper with buffed Spirit Claws!
Cross Gazer and Willy are currently the only other pets with both Rot and a Critter attack to capitalize on the type conversion.
However, this one is an extreme pain to get. Not only is it a low drop chance off of a named that takes a lot of time investment to spawn, but the event that triggers it can be influenced by any player in the open world resulting in one of the other six named being triggered instead. Then you have to start over from scratch and try again and pray.
After having a tiny robot bird drag me through the air and water by my ankles, I'd really love to see some interactivity with Feathers in the future. Things like the engineer Reaves modules could easily serve as fun, creative rewards for later questlines:
A transportation mode to convert the pet into a flying mount that you pilot while hanging upside-down, a defensive mode to make Feathers circle your target in frenzy, a tech support mode that gives everybody incredibly helpful advice!
Finally, a new pet with Fade! While feign death abilities will drag in a specific pet based on HP values, Fade selects the one in your next immediate slot contrary to the tooltip description of the swap as being random.
This allows you to set up a consistent combo by simply arranging the slots of your team without having to play any number games to ensure the best followup. If you want to Curse of Doom and Fade in your Ikky in the second slot to apply debuffs, Ikky will always come in.
Contrary to the similar model listed, this celestial in fact uses the Lucky Quilen Cub's model much to the joy of those who haven't gotten the Pandaria collector's edition. Unlike Stoneclaw, Comet rolls over, sniffs the ground, and is just generally cute!
Its moveset plays well with the other celestial pets. Starfall to buff team healing and magic damage or Illusionary Barrier to facilitate Celestial Blessing trading back and forth.
A few utility options which is rare for the dragonkin family. While the Azure Windseeker is not the only one with the means to clear debuffs, it can also force swap for some major disruption against the right teams.
Rip, Toxic Bite, and the Dragonkin racial together promise some incredible dot damage, but by far the best part of this latest addition to bleed teams is Fade.
While feign death abilities will drag in a specific pet based on HP values, Fade selects the one in your next immediate slot granting you control over what will come in. You can set up a consistent combo with the bleed by simply arranging the slots of your team without having to play any number games to ensure the best followup.
While Void Portal is generally too costly to justify even having, it can work well with Happiness' dots as part of a Plagued Blood setup. Corrupted Ground, Corrupted Touch, and safely port in something to heal it all the way back up. Darkness immunity and a high power stat make it difficult to starve in the backline.
This is currently the only pet with both Flash Freeze and a speed-based primary attack. The 5 turn slow combined with the Spirit's 305 speed allows it to even outmaneuver some Flying pets with their racial and mow them down with Lash.
Slippery Ice also benefits from the speed advantage adding another potential chance to miss on top of allowing convenient reapplication before death. The two sources of Chilled make for excellent Deep Freeze setup.
Strong synergy options. Moonlight plus team speed buff is great setup for Spirit Claw users. Can go with Dark Talon which is buffed by Moonlight or Quills which will remain effective even after the Flying racial is gone thanks to Moon Dance.
It seems that the recipe is a guaranteed drop from King Rastakhan for everybody in the raid that has BFA Enchanting. The pet takes a mere 20 Gloom Dust and 2 Umbra Shards to create making it an excellent way to max out Enchanting.
The tiki mask is roughly twice the size of its counterpart, the Accursed Hexxer, and makes pygmy noises when clicked.
This is the first reward for the questline which starts on the very west end of Valdrakken. The short line overall will net you two additional pets - Shyfly and Mister Toots, two Ultimate training stones, pet charms, and some assorted family training stones for completing some very simple tasks.