Shrew's Comments
(14) comments by Shrew

Comments by Date (14)
This was the first battle pet I got up to 25 and I still use him regurarly for PvP and PvE.
Abilities I use:
Shell Sheild
Anytime he gets to half health use wish. Abilities like swarm or a poison tick do very little damage with shell shield. Snap is a fairly weak ability so it can make for slow battles but he rocks.
Down side: Unless this is a glitch, if you use Wish (1 round ability) but then swap him out, Wish will NOT heal him while he is in the back.
Got my rare today around 2am on Arathor near the manaforge at coords: 54.89 63.05. I've been looking for a rare on and off for a very long time so I am so glad to finally have one.
It is a P/B breed which is the only available breed. Good thing too because I am relieved to be finished farming this!
In case anyone was wondering about this:
I just got 7 from the vender and here are the stats:
1 P/P
2 S/S
2 P/S
2 B/B
Before I knew about breeds I leveled a P/S up to 16 but I'm going to start over with the P/P breed because it does the most damage by far. When I auction the others I will sell the P/P breed for slightly more.
I got one at 3pm server time, it was raining in zanga at the time. Obviously this isnt a weather dependent pet but maybe the rain is just good luck since I've been farming this FOREVER.
He is an S/S breed 5
Mine is a B/B breed: 3,13... looks like I need to go try another one. I'll report back.
If you want to capture one of these, without waiting for it to show up as a secondary spawn, the best place is the Higal Barrow Dens (59.42, 17.32) (West of Nordrassil) there were 4 inside when I checked (all common quality) and a few obsidium nodes too if you are a miner.
I found one up by Kirthaven and (on my BE) was just able to get close enough to battle it but the only option I had was to kill it. I suppose those are alli only spawns. Just now while fighting a turkey an uncommon came up as a secondary pet.
I just got an uncommon one! I've been checking those darn green pools for so long and I finally saw a single little green paw on the Easternmost pool. Magically I was the only person there @10am and I flew in to get it. I clicked right away but I realized I had all level 20+ pets loaded so I had to surrender, switch out my team and reenguage. Yeesh! My heart was beating so fast! I managed to enguage him again before the others who had arrived did. Sorry you guys but keep it up! He's huge too!
Here is how I recommend doing this grind & how I found two in 1 day:
Using the spawn points listed, start in the center of crystalsong and head East to Zul check all points in this location and head down to G Hills then Fjord then back up to DBlight and so forth until back at Crystalsong
Along the way if you see a pet spawned in the location of a val'kyr, battle it or kill it. Battle and kill other critters too as you see fit to take up some time.
Update: I got it today, FINALLY. I highly recommend farming the Noxious Whelp it only has a .001% to drop the Sprite Darter but you also have a chance for the Emerald Whelpling. The nox.Whelps are close together and respawn quickly. Using a druid was very fast!
Killing frayfeathers near the Ruins of Isildien and SpriteDarters near Camp Mojache because according to WowHead those 2 mobs have the highest % drop rate for the egg at a whopping .03% Wish me luck!
The first time while camping around 15 spawned (no rares), 1hr later they popped up slowly one at a time but still in a batch (no rares). After those two batches no more spawned for some time. In the following week I checked many times to see campers & no spawns, tried killing critters, didnt help. It was only when I thought "oh Im flying through, Ill stop by" did I get a rare one! If u r agressivley competing for spawns stay inside the circle on the "uphill" side, got luckier there.
Finally! I had been checking puriotically for over a week at all times of the day and night with no snow to be seen! I got mine (Arathor) 10:00PM server time. I faught three, one was poor and two were rare! I got mine in the Snowdrift Plains and they were all over the place but still spread fairly far apart. Good luck!
I went mid week around noon and there was not a single one there. I killed every maggot, they all re-spawned. I killed them again, they re-spawned again. I did this for an hour killing everything in sight until a 90 Draenei joined me in the cave. Finally, while I was up on the top ledge waiting, 1 spawns below. Guess who got it? Not me. Went back today at 10am server time and there were about 7 in the cave. Checked them all (without killing them) and no rares so I took my common and left.
Mine is not 25 yet but he seems like a great pet for PvP. He can cleanse buffs and debuffs off of your whole team (very cool looking ability imo), has two stun abilities, and with stench he can reduce the enemy team hit chance by 25% for 4 rounds. Pierre has the potential to leave your enemy stunned, sleepy, and flailing around only to hit nothing. All that and a cute little cooking fire too?