Shimerz's Comments
(8) comments by Shimerz

Comments by Date (8)
The Lava beetle can be found to the west of the path coming from Redridge mountains. I saw about 4 in one spot, between the two mountains (the line of mountains in the south, and the lone mountain just above it, near path to redridge). Had 3 pets with it, fairly easy to catch. Just don't get mistaken between lava and fire beetle like I did.
Coming down the path from ZA, I found a Larva by itself on the right side of the path not far from the bottom of the hill. Good luck!
Barkoren's method is the best! I used this on all the elder's I saw south of Golakka Hot Springs, and into Terror Run. Three minutes later, I went back to where I started, and there was the little guy just waiting for me. Common.
I have a special love-hate relationship with this pet. She sounds so gorgeous and heartbreaking when you're fighting her, but watch out if she's the secondary pet to the one you've just caught. There is nothing worse than her killing all your pets and you losing your captured pet.
I got mine at Lost Rigger Cove. There were 2 of them that I saw. Not sure of respawn times.
Be careful, he's a bit squishy for a lvl 16 pet.
He was the first kill in the zone for me.
Definately heaps around Kamagua Island on the west side of Howling Fjord.