Sharmista's Comments
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Comments by Date (8)
After many, many, many... bags I got it finally today (Thanks Lydia Accoste!). It really took a long time. For everyone who isn't lucky till now, don't give up, it will show up :) Good Luck!
Last year I tried it on 3 different characters each day and didn't see a single one. Today on my first try... Thank you RNG, I guess? Now happy that I finally have him :) Good Luck to you all!
Got it today out of my 4th Bag. I didn't have trouble with it (not as much as I did with the Thundering)
The Pets I use against him:
Humanoid (I use the Pandaren Monk) against Dragon
Rapana Whelk against Elemental (and Flying if it survives)
Arcane Eye against Flying.
I finally decided to battle the Spirit Tamers today and this is the pet I choose (So I don't have to fight him again) Since I leveled a Pandaren I wanted this spirits... so I hope the others follow soon! Love them. So cute. <3
I tried some various pets against the Thundering Spirit... and finally beat him with: Rapana Whelk (used it on all Spirit Tamers) against Elemental, Kun-Lai Runt against Critter and a Moth against the Beast... and in the end only around 100~ health left..
Hate you RNG! Didn't miss a day either and no Eye >< Now waiting a month and hope my luck is better next time!
Got it today too! It is so cute ><! And I really love its animation too. Surely one of my favorite Pets! Cinder Kitty <3
So happy that this Pet spawned already. I really like it <3 I wonder though if the spawn rate is a bit low in comparism to the Snowy Owl. I flew since hours now looking to help a friend find one but didn't see one since the beginning, even with really no one there currently.