Sharawrsome's Comments
(9) comments by Sharawrsome

Comments by Date (9)
These are up for 2021! Snagged one and finally finished Zookeeper achievement. Thank you everyone who has posted about their adventures.
I split up this hunt over a couple of days which may be helpful if you get tired of looking in one session. I found the playful vulpin twice near Renard's den but not twice in a row. The comments on Wowhead are very helpful for coordinates and suggestions.
This lil guy popped out of an artisan satchel from the Queen's Conservatory today. What a lovely addition to all that flutters!
Engineering recipe requires exalted faction with the Ascended if you are going to make this but you can also pick up from the AH. If you make it, the materials aren't too drastic either because it will likely take you long enough to get the faction!
The lil guy is sleeping quietly while I type this up...
This lil gormling dropped first try from the Wild Hunt Supplies bundle. It's a golden color with red markings but I have yet to see it try and burrow.
This lil tree is great fun. From time to time, it "shakes its leaves, calling the celestial rain of Ardenweald!" And also, a curious squirrel may come up to check it out and hang out a bit.
Animation notes say it hovers about and occasionally swirls about. It also whips out a piece of scrolled parchment and takes notes!
Once you grab the required ink jar, you'll need to use the zone ability to get up to the ledge to finish retrieval.
These lil guys are all over Bastion, near the water as primary, and sometimes appear as secondary for other pets near water. While the critter versions move about with a cute noise, this tamed one is very sleepy...
Later I had this pet out by random while I was fighting mobs in the area and he would "help" by doing shell spins. Delightful!
Despite the restrictions with this pet, it's delightful to roam around with. If you /sit it will come get in your lap. If you /pet you will get a brief slime debuff. When you are standing around, Jiggles will run off and then come back with a tiny slime critter "present" for you (it's dead...)