Shangmaro's Comments
(2) comments by Shangmaro

Comments by Date (2)
1-2 of 2
I found spawns at 44,23; 43, 19; 41,23; 42, 25; 38, 24; and 29, 19. The are all on top of rocky prominences or at the cliff edge. Never saw one as a second to a Hare or Squirrel, or in place of where a Hare or Squirrel spawns. Spent ~ 2 hours fighting Hares to capture a rare (found one!), defeating the Olivebacks, killing the Fledgling critters, and mining.
Capture would have gone faster if I had just stuck to the Fledglings, and made sure to kill of the placeholder Fledgling critters.
Posted: October 02, 2016 3:48:09 PM
Edits: 0
Rating: +2
1-2 of 2
I had difficulty finding these at their noted spawn point; eventually found one as a second to a River Frog next to the river near Sagehold.