Sezmu's Comments
(6) comments by Sezmu

Comments by Date (6)
@Saebjoern Try the pandaeran air spirit, its heal last 5 rounds and is just as powerful I use it with my fluxfire
@Amithyst Mine ignores scourched earth just fine, I am even thinking about building an elemental team thats is scrouched earth and conflag
First tried in the afternoon nothing for an hour, tried again early morning found 1 right away, and after killing surrounding critters I found another both poor quality
Found 2 on my server early in the morning, when MoP first came they were heavy camped now its not too bad. First was uncomming (snagged it) and second was poor
Found an uncommon and a bunch of common and poor. I flew around for about 2 hours not seeing one but as soon as I started the quest chain I stated seeing them.
I thought the spirits were the easier fights of all the trainers although the earth one did get a lucky match once where all my pets missed everything. I have the air and water spirits and I must say the air is my favorite, when leveling other pets I just have this guy drop his 5 round heal (well over 600 health healed total) throw down a cyclone and spam wild winds, most the time by the first pet dieing the others are half dead too while he sits almost max health