Serephem's Comments
(12) comments by Serephem

Comments by Date (12)
Finally got a rare today just north of Southport. I followed the road leading north between the Writhing Mire and Axefall, all the way up to Veil Akraz. I killed the non combat dawnfeathers as I went, but I'm not sure if that helped the repop rate.
Yup, Orunni Coast is the place to go. FIRST battle and there was the rare I was looking for. Thanks for the tip!
I just got mine as a secondary to an Amberbarb Wasp up in Everbloom Wilds, 73,37. I did over 100 battles with the Axebeak as the primary, and never got a rare. It's possibly one of those pets that only comes rare as a secondary pet. I'd be interested to hear if anyone gets one as a primary.
I just caught mine at 31 77 in Silithus at 06.03. Poor quality, but I'll take it.
I caught mine from a pool in the waters around Shado Pan Monastery at 7.25 pm server. I had 790 fishing skill at the time, and the pandaren charm active. I caught it from a Tiger Gourami pool, but NOT as a secondary fish, it was all on its lonesome. I had probably caught about 800 fish before he appeared.
Now for the red devil :(
I got my rare at 5.35pm AEST on an Oceanic server just inside the mouth of the cave. There were two spawns that I saw, the first was poor and the second a rare. I didn't bother to check if there were more spawns further into the cave, having already nabbed the rare.
I can confirm the comment below, I found 4 spawns in the Barrow's Den at 2.30 am server time. The respawn rate was pretty quick too. I did notice however that the paws did NOT appear for me until I went into the den, so it may be that people have just missed them.
It was the same for me, I only encountered uncommon ones. The west side of the island has the higher level ones, up to level 9 that I saw. One thing of note, Enhanced Pet Journal shows a 'crow' as a capturable pet on DMI, however, the one time it came up as a secondary pet to a glowfly it was uncapturable, like the Mule Deer and Gazelle.
I just got an uncommon one at the Noxious Lair at 4.30 am on Barthilas (oceanic). It appeared along with about 6 other spawns (at intervals) about an hour and 15 minutes AFTER the sandstorm started. So, if you really want this pet, dont give up!
Keeshan's Post was successful for me. There appears to be about 3 rats as primary spawns. I got my rare at 67.32 at 12.15 pm (Oceanic) after about 20 minutes. I also battled all other types as the rat can also be a second.
I found two after about 10 minutes searching, both at Yorgen Farmstead. Luckily, the second was a rare.
Found at 11.45 am server at 49.75
I wonder if this has anything to do with the "No Shellfish Endeavour" achievement recently added, although it does involve "Murky"and not "Squirky". I have completed all three parts of this achievment, but it has not proc'd as completed for me.