Seren's Comments
(12) comments by Seren

Comments by Date (12)
Yay! Got mine this morning on the southern tip of the battlescar between Desolation and Triumph.
Flew around the ruins. Didn't see any so I started fighting some sidewinders, and they started popping up after that. I got 5 before a rare in about 6 minutes. Most were around what would be the area of Buru and Ayamiss the Hunter if it was actually the instance.
Found a few spawns and a few as secondary spawns near the valley of watchers leading into Uldum.
Killed all the elders north and south of the lake, when I passed back around after killing 3 of the new spawns had babies. :)
Found 3 different ones as secondary pets to a mouse, and 2 dusk spiderlings. It was 4pm server. Not night time. All 3 finds were poors and common. Maybe the late night ones will have a rare for me.
after a couple days of making passes in the area and not seeing one. I went and checked today. Sigh there was no. I went the tainted forest battled the 3 pets in that area to lvl my Willy (awesome pet btw) and went back over and there was 3. May be connected to the spawn timers of the pets in the tainted forest.
Spirit crab method worked for me. Got a rat as secondary on first crab, then got my uncommon larva on the second spirit crab. Got it on the west cost. Above WindRunner Village 19/34
Found two inside the cave today after making a few passes around last week with no luck. It was 10:45am server they were both poor, but I am happy to have found one.
Just found one in the cave called The Gullet in Twilight Highland. Uncommon so I am happy with the find. LVL 21.
I went to find my baby ape today and noticed that it only spawns when it rains. I figured I'd go check out the island anyway to get the other pets for this area I needed, and to my surprise it was raining on the island. I flew back out, and not raining in stranglethorn. Flew back in raining on the island. So FYI the weather on the island is different than that of the mainland.
Finally found mine after a few days of doing checks for them. I killed most of the pets in the area and then passed back around and found one to the North West of GreenWardens Grove. They were around the Mouldering Mirebeasts that they look like. <3 And lucky me he was rare.
After trying to get a rare for a few hours I finally got mine in Brill Graveyards.