Scotian925's Comments
(7) comments by Scotian925

Comments by Date (7)
Found a rare after my 5th battle with someone else farming the area at 29.69 67.91 YAY!!
I'm so upset!! I finally found a rare after over 60 battles and my Spawn of Onyxia critical striked it dead with one shot!!!! My Terrible Turnip was dead and out of the cue. Now he's healed and back in. Back to the grind :(
Went to spawn area and nothing was around, so I killed a Nexus Watcher and a common one showed up, caught it, then proceeded to kill all dragonkin and everything in sight and couldn't get anymore to spawn, or any other type of pet for that matter :(
update: Went back at 2:30am Uldum time the day after and had no trouble finding them at all. Found a rare 8,18 in my 3rd battle.
There's plenty around. got my rare at 60.72 81.82 after battleing about ten of them. YAY!
Really Relieved! Found one as soon as I got to the area and the secondary was a rare. Really didn't have the patience to hunt for another pet.
Had suck a hard time with this one. Looked forever this afternoon then found a poor one at about 9:10 in Uldum. It was between the path and the lake to the left of the heart shaped one. I'll just wait till I get a battle stone to upgrade it. Happy Hunting
Got lucky on this one found a rare P/S my first try at 18.45, 49.58. Hope you guys have the same luck I did. Happy Hunting!