Scathe's Comments
(2) comments by Scathe

Comments by Date (2)
1-2 of 2
Re: Unborn Val'kyr
Finally caught one of these after weeks of flying a route around all spawn points in Northrend, realm changing, trying off-hours and after restarts, etc., and thinking I'd probably never get one. Ended up finding it at 5:30 on a Saturday evening realm time on a high pop server, en route to my weekly Ulduar run! Just flying from Naxxramas to Ulduar and decided to fly over a spawn in the southern part of Storm Peaks, and there she was!
Posted: March 21, 2015 11:42:02 PM
Edits: 0
Rating: +2
1-2 of 2
I don't even recall getting this awesome pet, was just browsing through my journal during a bonus event and found him there! I had to look up the info on here and WoWHead to find out where it came from. It's a 1% drop rate from Ysondre in The Emerald Nightmare on all difficulties (including LFR), and can be bonus rolled. I think it just automatically gets added into your pet journal if you are the lucky chosen to get it, so watch your chat logs (as I failed to do, hence the recent discovery!)