Saveaho's Comments
(11) comments by Saveaho

Comments by Date (11)
Just checked and this has been fixed.. you can now release the foe reaper if you are looking for a particular breed.
This and the sneaky marmot are rogue pickpocketing things (not like the other order hall quests). You pickpocket this air and trade 10k air for each pet. It is really quick to get 10k air. I don't think these will keep their value long.
I don't mind being able to buy them versus RNG, but if they aren't cageable, then there is no reason to run this dungeon more then 6 times.
Pet collecting wouldn't be nearly as much fun or as easy without this site. Thank you so very much for your hard work and dedication!!!!!
Has anyone seen the mad merchant lately? I've been looking for him for the past 3 weeks on Lightbringer. Finally found him today 3/25/17 8:19pm (central) on Lightbringer. Happy hunting for those that still plan to add this one to your collection. :)
Ran ICC, TOC and Ulduar yesterday on Heroic 25 man and no pets dropped. Ran TOC on a different toon today on 10 man normal and Swarmer dropped.
Thank you so much Airetari!!! Anyone wanting to get this, know that the guild rep tabards were broken this week and so it is 125 guild rep per quest all the way up to revered. Thank you so much to any guild willing to let people join for pets.
Anyone else notice that day 1 .. the drop rate of the new pets was low and now it appears to be almost 100%? So much for retaining their value. They are already flooded on my server.
finally got mine today making feast of the waters.
I went with a friend and we both could loot it. It doesn't appear to have a reset timer (but the tooltip says it can only be looted once per character).
All of the comments on wowhead, etc. has people saying the Raiding pets are dropping on 25H and no one has answered the question about if it has to be on H, so I just wanted to post this here that I had this on drop on 10 man Normal for me today. Hope this helps someone.