Sarajiel's Comments
(4) comments by Sarajiel

Comments by Date (4)
Just want to add another location right at the entrance to Felsoul Command at 32.0 / 83.4.
Some hints for all you guys that don't like the FFA Underbelly PvP.
Bring some time and patience when going for these pets. From my experience it is best to always wait till the guards are called off and then get the bodygurd. Kill Rares or battle Blind Rats till you got enough coins. Keep in mind that the Bodyguards are somewhat buggy and vanish sometimes.
When going for the capture make sure you got pet bandages ready. Place the turtles and just right-click them. :)
I always wanterd both breeds of the Val'kyr, but I didn't have much luck with the B/B one until today.
After encountering 5 suicidal B/B Val'kyrs since Legion pre-patch I noticed that they seem to respawn almost instantly, but not necessarily at the same spot. If you are unlucky like me and kill one, just check the other spawn-points within that zone.
Finally got mine at the Stonescar Gorge (47.17, 61.7) near the petrified fisherman and Stonefang (quest elite).
It took me 5 or 6 Bucktooth Flapper critter kills till he spawned. Maybe it was just coincidence, but I noticed that the critter before my pet spawn had a different tint of its fur than the critters I killed before that.