Saido's Comments
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Note: as of 23 Jan 2016, this pet may show as "uncollected" in the Pet Journal of all characters except the character that purchased them (and the tooltip at the vendor will not show any collected.) I've confirmed this as a bug for both Horde and Alliance version of the pet.
Note: as of 23 Jan 2016, this pet may show as "uncollected" in the Pet Journal of all characters except the character that purchased them (and the tooltip at the vendor will not show any collected.) I've confirmed this as a bug for both Horde and Alliance version of the pet.
Note: as of 23 Jan 2016, this pet may show as "uncollected" in the Pet Journal of all characters except the character that purchased them (and the tooltip at the vendor will not show any collected.) I've confirmed this as a bug for both Horde and Alliance versionof the pet.
I spent the better part of a day upgrading this Northrend pet. I cycled between the Giant's Run, Wyrmskull and Skorn spawn points. Though the addon showed 3 Fjord Rat spawn points in Skorn, I didn't see a single one as a primary the entire time I farmed there. (I finally got a breed 3 rare as a second to a regular Rat.)
A note: even as a 90 I still aggroed the casters on the towers quite often (even though the mobs on the ground (who were 10x closer) - ignored me.
A nice spider for leveling, as it's one of the few low-level spiders with Leech Life gained at level 4 rather than 10. ~ It was my spiderbeast of choice untl the Molten Hatchling hit 20.
Was just able to upgrade this guy with a Flawless Humanoid Stone.
Level 11 stats are 672 HP, 143 atk, 114 speed
None on any of the servers I checked at 1600 either (have toons parked in 4 different battlegroups). However, I did experience what we are all likely to be suffering for weeks: recurring blasts of adreneline on spotting greenpaws belonging to Snow Cubs, Alpine Hares, and Irradiated Roaches. :p
!!! Just caught one, 19:09 Server time on Farstriders!
ETA: I predict the nerfbat. Windup+Prowl+Windup against a Beast just hit for 999 ... at level 8.
Or, The Importance of Being Prepared.
Thanksgiving, 7pm. After unexpectedly picking up a Twilight Iguana with low pets, to my joy I saw a Spawn! I landed, clicked - then kicked myself. A level 1 + dead pets in spots 2&3. ~ I Alt-F4'd, but of course when I got back in it was gone. ~ So I went off, caught a random Toad for the zone achieve, then came back for one last loop. Saw one, checked to make sure my team was healed, and clicked - and caught a rare. ~ Still screaming.
Note: as of 23 Jan 2016, this pet may show as "uncollected" in the Pet Journal of all characters except the character that purchased it (and the tooltip at the vendor will not show any collected.) I've confirmed this as a bug for both Horde and Alliance version of the pet.