Sagcat's Comments
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Comments by Date (6)
Congrats and thank you all for your hard work! This site is a terrific resource.
When you can solo a Celestial, you get 5 stars.
3.87 (current battle rating) seems unduly harsh.
Blows me away that (as of posting) 43.5% of the community has this pet. I've been trying for this guy forever. Checked AH >50 times. Farmed often for him. Finally today, I got him on AH for just 8,000 gold, which was 3k less than I'd ever seen him. He was my 641st pet collected. Being owned by 43.5% however, suggests that he's not that difficult.
These two pets' low appearance ratings makes me suspect people don't see that there's a doll riding a vulture and wielding a lance! Perhaps their color is not distinctive enough from the wings of the bird mounts they're riding.
You should have 3x Nexus Whelpling in your possession. The P/P breed hits as hard as anything and makes pet leveling very efficient. Use them. Love them. Give them catchy names. It's a Top 20 rated pet and is still wildly underrated. (currently 4.20, which is kinda funny, but too low.)