Saerian's Comments
(2) comments by Saerian

Comments by Date (2)
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I agree. These little dragon's are awesome, I hope for the next Olympics they consider letting this one loose on the US servers. I like it so much better than the Spirit of Competition.
Posted: December 13, 2009 1:34:25 PM
Edits: 0
Rating: +3
1-2 of 2
Found mine at 71, 43 in Howling Fjord!! At about 2:30am PST on Terenas. I had left some alts camped at various spawn points and checked every so often, but never found anything. After logging this character in, I was bored, decided to loop around a little, and my heart lept out of my chest when I saw her down there! About 30 seconds after I engaged, another player flew up, so it was good timing for me :) Uncommon, but quickly upgraded with a stone.
Good luck everyone!!!