Sabatea's Comments
(2) comments by Sabatea

Comments by Date (2)
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Re: Fjord Worg Pup
Got a rare pup on the fourth try. There's no shortage of Worg Pups on the island, so you shouldn't have any problem with finding them. They do stick around close to the adult Worgs though, so if you are around their level, you may want to kill those first so they don't interrupt your battles.
Happy hunting!
Posted: February 09, 2013 9:17:09 PM
Edits: 0
Rating: -1
1-2 of 2
Found an Uncommon Whelp when I came to the area. It was on the far West side of the Thicket, right at the edge. It was the only one in the area and it wasn't too difficult to tame. The Whelps do have a healing ability so you may want to keep that in mind while battling. The Primordial Drakes are also in the vicinity, some flying and some on the ground, so you may want to take those out before you begin battling. :3