S1lence1's Comments
(8) comments by S1lence1

Comments by Date (8)
I thought the Emerald Proto Whelp was the hardest until i began my search for this little guy. I've had an alt parked outside the caverns that I check several times a day for over 3 months now and still have never seen one QQ
(UPDATE) 1 hour after making this post about 30 of them spawned outside AND inside Caverns of Time, so if you're wondering they do spawn down below also and you can track the ones below from the surface!
Been doing Trixxy every day for a year and got this today so the 1:300ish sounds about right. I agree with the earlier post on this pet, cute goes a LONG way even if it's useless as a fighting pet.
Thanks for the macro+interact bind idea on this pet.. there's almost zero chance of missing a spawn if you're spamming it. A side tip for those who haven't got it yet, looking at the globe as a clock dial with 12 being north this mob always spawns at the 1 o'clock position just slightly outside the globe and then runs inside of the globe on a southwest pathing.
You will soon learn the path back from the revive point to this isle. Bring a pal who doesn't mind suiciding and wants to trade turns distracting the patrols on the north side. P.S. Use a Stone, having to pull enough of these to get a rare would just be torture.
@Giant_Potato This is a reward from Raiding with Leashes, did you mean you got it on the first try to the AH?
Is this pet obtainable in any way now? I just started playing this year.
P/P is the only breed that matter with the Starlette, I have 3 of them and sometimes just use all 3 at once for the ultimate glass cannon. The fact that the windup/supercharge/windup release hits consistently for 1900 to 2700 damage makes this thing insanely OP, especially when you consider it has a free revive racial.
I'm hoping they come up with something that makes it worth the extra $$ to get this pet, from the initial abilities listed it doesn't look that great but there's 2 empty slots still.