Rorin's Comments
(3) comments by Rorin

Comments by Date (3)
Got my rare as an add with a mirror strider near Pearlfin villiage in Jade Forest. I was using the Pet Quality Notifier addon and the mirror strider happened to be rare too! Never had that before. Chose the moth over the strider as it has better stats
It's stats are:
lvl 22
HP - 1244
Attack - 257
Speed - 243
Finally got a blue version of this guy after at least 40 or so battles. I don't think the rarity is bugged like others have said (I was beginning to think that till I finally saw a blue) Its just a very small chance of getting one due to the sheer number of them available. Thats what I think anyway.
As other's have said, you can find tons of them in the Drak'sotra Fields near the Argent Stand. Well worth the effort in getting a blue :) He's a really nice pet!
Having searched for a rare version of this guy for the last few days, and checking the comments on WoWhead, it seems it's bugged like the Jungle Grub at the moment. Where rare versions just do not spawn.
Hopefully I am wrong and just need to keep looking but I think I'll save myself some time and just hold on to my uncommon one and upgrade it when the next patch comes out :)