Romelle's Comments
(5) comments by Romelle

Comments by Date (5)
Love this pet! Awesome for fighting critters as he has strong defense against critters and has some attacks that are strong against them as well. Was a pain looking for one so I used my battle-stone on the poor that I found to make it a rare. :s
My rare had 681 HP and 144 DMG 144 ATK Speed
I think with this pet you have to go by the stats and not the HP.
Finally got one of these and I got my blue in one rainstorm after three tries. Rain started around 6:30 am server time and lasted about 12 minutes. The blue that I captured had 597 health.
I don't think you need to kill the infernos to get them to spawn and there are a lot of people camping this on my server which may be one of the reasons it's so hard to find. I finally got one last night around 11pm server time and didn't kill anything.
My favorite pet to use against elementals. The pump skill kicks ass.