Rockwell's Comments
(23) comments by Rockwell

Comments by Date (23)
unless they hot fix it put out about an hour to do these pirates are slow to spawn
June 29th
can you kill her more once a day for the pet?
thanks will work on it
to see how I defeated her
I did defeat her but want to retest before I post just to make sure of the team
3k on AH
don't depend on the water breathing potion
got him today the start of the path to the boss 67.80 79.70 in Drustvar boss is soluble with hunter
teamed up with an ally { I'm horde ) we kicked butt and took names both got a pet. a bow and goodbye was fun
found mine at the start of the path up the mountain
27 snow piles farming one spot
Ton of people in cave but was ez to pick up
almost a year to get, but I did it about 2:59 am the server on Zul'jin
not about pets but i see a few folks are talking about The Lich King costume
Bliz put in a hot fix so it only cost 500 not 1000,the tool still says 1000 but its not . all so it can only be worn 20 times
With a little luck you can run all the candy buckets and get both.
I did all the candy buckets and help put out one fire got 304 tokens got both new pets . good luck to all
With a little luck you can run all the candy buckets and get both.
I did all the candy buckets and help put out one fire got 304 tokens got both new pets . good luck to all
about 2am on Garona ,8 to 10 of the little ones dancing around pond, first one in battle was a rare. good luck to all
about 200 kills /way 52.12 75.29 is the place to hunt