Ringo's Comments
(34) comments by Ringo
Status Update (1)
Additional Comments by Date (33)
It's a shame so much of the store's inventory is so underwhelming at the moment
We'll see how long they stick it out with making the pets non-cageable and only available from normal and harder raids. I'd bet on one or both of those conditions changing.
These pets don't seem to drop from the purple box. Rather, they have a small chance to drop when the final boss of the event is killed on the other side of the rift to another timeline.
My wife and I have gotten all but Killbot 9000 dropping this way over the weekend. (It was a long weekend.)
More than two hours of killing all critters at the Thaldraxus spawn point with no pets popping feels excessive for a safari pet.
A fair number of hardcore collectors will reach 1,600 by the end of this expansion, even if they don't add more pets during Dragonflight, which seems unlikely.
That said, it was a pretty underwhelming reward for 2,000. Better to reintroduce it in the next expansion, with something more emblematic of that era and its graphic quality.
This is an exceptionally good faerie dragon pet and new model. It certainly raises some questions about what the next expansion will be about, since late-expansion store pets and mounts seems like it's often stuff that didn't make the cut in things developed for the new expansion.
Boy, I'm really looking forward to a more grounded expansion up next time, assuming the pendulum swings back that way, which is how it traditionally goes.
What a random place to drop in a new pet battle at this point.
Pretty sure this is the Blizzcon Online pet, probably tied to an announcement of WoW Classic: The Burning Crusade.
Finish the Celestial Tournament, etc., before the patch, if you can.
The cap is almost certainly being imposed by Activision bean counters who don't want too many digital alpacas to not be adding to the bottom line. Same reason they had layoffs earlier this year -- Activision is tightening the belt.
We'll see the previous pets show up in the shop for $10 a piece soon enough.
These guys really ought to fight with their Alliance counterparts. Missed opportunity.
The prices are so high so that we can't buy everything the first day. They will almost certainly be dramatically upping the drop rate of doubloons when the patch goes live.
Please, please, don't make all the pets random drops. Being able to earn coins to buy the pets was so much better.
Hey, look, a new player-created mechanical pet in BfA! Created by alchemy for ... reasons!
Given that I had more than 1,000 pet charms banked and nothing to spend them on, this makes sense. (All my pets are maxed and I have more than enough stones to level any new ones, if I didn't want to do the garrison weekly and power-level new pets in Shadowmoon Valley, which is my preferred method.)
Currently cashing my stash in to buy pets as presents for my wife and to sell in the auction house.
This or the Sprite Darter Hatchling can solo a team of all flying pets and, played smartly, absolutely wreck most of them.
Do the enthusiasts, by any chance, interact when they encounter each other? And does getting one via the prestige system automatically award the other?
Where do you see the interactions? I'm not seeing anything in Wowhead. (And I'm really hoping the squires mock-battle, or the prestige demons do.)