Riku805's Comments
(6) comments by Riku805

Comments by Date (6)
I created 15 of these trying to get the alternate appearances I was missing. I ended up with 10 golds, 4 silvers, and 1 black.
I was looking for an alternate appearance for a mirror strider today and found two of these temple snakes as the backline for one of my encounters; one rare quality and one common quality. I noticed the common quality was slightly bigger so I reset the encounter until the rare one was bigger and then captured it. When I summoned the newly captured temple snake, it kept it's larger size.
I just got this today on my horde hunter soloing the event. I think I got to about wave 25 or so.
I got the blueprint for this from the Rustbolt paragon chest. I made two of them and noticed one had a red flashing head while the other had a head like the Microbot 8D and Malfunctioning Microbot.
The Orphaned Snowfeather is at loc 32, 28.
For hunting the grey variant, I utilized the LFG system to queue up for the world boss that was up in Ringing Deeps in order to realm hop between spawns on my own realm. After a few hours, I finally found it via realm hopping.