Riffrandell's Comments
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Just got a common quality, color variant isn't shown, it's black/purple
Found a red/black variant today at 49.28 60.11, it was red/black in the world before i started battle which surprised me
Found as a primary pet near House of Constructs, rare quality
Little disappointed, however I absolutely understand the decision. I still don't have all my pets max level or rare quality lol. But I was looking forward to an entirely purple pet list in the very far off future. Either way can't wait for the new pets :D
I tweeted LeCraft and asked about the recently datamined Mini Flying carpet. He said they will try but it may just be a vanity pet. I am totally okay with that. I don't play my tailor much, I would love for my main to be able to have a mini carpet following me around lol.
So the critter killing method being mention on WoWhead is not working for me. Anyone else having this problem? Ive been killing them for hours, with no resultes. Just curious if I should keep up the critter slaughter.
@ Schwank....why would you bother looking for a better quality one to upgrade? Upgrading a poor with a stone is the same as upgrading an uncommon. This pet is so hard to find, leave them for someone without one...geez
Pretty easy questline to beat. Majority of the pets you battle are aquatic. I used my rare level 25 Effervescent Glowfly in almost every fight. I believe the pets are all either aquatic, critter, or beast.
They respawn very quickly, so I didn't feel bad checking them to find a rare. I had to clear the entire area to find the rare, but like I said they spawn so fast it doesn't take very long :D
Guild just finished this mini raid. My boyfriend won the roll, currently in negotions for the rabbit lol. Curious to see how he is as a battle pet.
I noticed the claw is given purple quality on WoW's site. Wondering if it will be upgraded to epic in an upcoming patch possibly? Anyone know?
These do not spawn after server resets, so don't bother waisting your time. In patch 5.1 pet spawns are no longer triggered by resets are restarts.
I suggest creating DKs on low population servers. Leave them where they spawn and check on them every so often. If you are going to sit there for hours waiting for a spawn, might as well put the time into leveling the dk. It works! :D
Just got this today. Not the biggest fan of it, but it is different, and have only seen 1 on my server as of now. It is from 400 achieve points, which isn't too bad. Just get the safari, tamer and battle ones out of the way. Takes time but all things that are worth doing generally do :) Make sure to either revive your pets or re log to get it to show in your journal.
Got one tonight on the coast. Poor quality. I was surprised to see it on my map, assumed it would be a second pet after looking for so long. I also noticed that this pet, along with several others I caught around the same time were not showing up as being caught under the safari achieve, and as i entered battle with the same pets it said they had not been caught yet as well. They are in my pet journal though. Opened a ticket, haven't heard back yet.
Could have sworn I caught this with the wrogen DK i rolled specifically for Allie friendly pets. Apparently I didn't. So happy Blizz changed pet battles to be available at level 1. As an extemely lazy hordie I made a NE and got my owl :)
Got a rare tonight on an alt that I have on a low population server. No one else was around. I found 4 in the Dry Hills area. 2 poor, 1 common 1 rare :)
Got mine last night, along with the rest of the BWL pets. I did 2 runs to get all 3, my bf got 2. Seems like a good drop rate. I ran AQ once, got 1 pet, BWL 2 got all pets, and Naxx once, got no pets. Good odds in my opinion.
Found 3 today, 2 poor and 1 uncommon. After landing at Bootlegger Outpost I saw 2 on my mini map. I was so angry because I couldn't find them. I realized they were underground in the tunnel....duh lol. While running over I found one near the entrance. If you see them on your map but don't actually see them they may be below you.
UPDATE: have been checking once a day for rares. Haven't seen a single out of maybe 15 I have found, all poor-uncommons
Got mine finally EAST of Death's Door in Scalewing Shelf. After camping for about a half hour earlier I gave up and left my hunter there. Found it on my 2nd time checking on her. Only 1 in the area, poor. Thank goodness for the upgrade stones :D
I have an addon that shows me where on the map rare NPC's spawn. I followed the path that Morcrush follows in Scalewing Shelf if that helps.