Rezzelyn's Comments
(27) comments by Rezzelyn

Comments by Date (27)
At launch, I couldn't get my adorable duck to fly with me and was very disappointed because she'd always disappear as I darted around the Dragon Isles on my flying mount. A few weeks into the expansion and it looks like all ducks can fly now! YAY!
A befitting pet to go along with the Vulpera Rogue aesthetic. The Leaper has big wide ears, fluffy tail and cute face like a Vulpera, while also having the rogue's favored black and red colors.
The film "Jack Frost" shows Michael Keaton as a snowman gliding all over town without any legs. So, why can't the Tiny Snowman follow us? If that seems unrealistic, put the snowman on a sled/toboggan or ice puddle so he can skate around. It's horrible to just plop him somewhere and leave him heartlessly behind. :( I rarely use him for that reason.
Shore Butterfly is almost twice the size of Leafy Flutterwing (green/white butterfly). I was very surprised!
I once LOVED the Eye Of Inquisition. I would use it in dungeons so people could follow my long trail of green smoke if they were lost, or just in general to have green smoke trail behind my Demon Hunter. But a recent Patch ruined that joy. They changed the effect around the Eye so that its linework is lime green (like Celestial Pets) and it only radiates light immediately around the eye itself, but the smoke trails were deleted! Why the change? My DH is sad and refuses to use it anymore. :(
I defeated all the crabs in the area until this pet finally spawned overhead, it was a Gray but at least it's something.
Despite the map showing them everywhere in southern Val'Sharah, I've only found them in Moonclaw Vale. They were not adds, they were freely walking amongst the satyrs and imps.
If you are confused about the exact location at Bladespire Citadel like I was, heres a tip. Ignore the area where the ogres are camped and the lava areas. Instead, run around the snowy outside perimeter of the castle until you find a path that wraps around the backside of the castle and weaves between huge walls of rocks. You will see tons of Icespine Hatchlings on this path, follow them up the hill until you are just about to reach the top. Ironclaw Scuttlers are located here on the snowy path.
Similar to the Nightmare Bell pet, I'm still waiting for an "Arcane Outhouse" battle pet; a blue box that has a white crescent moon window and a glowy light on top that makes it hover, like the Warcraft version of the TARDIS. Make it happen, Blizz! :D
Names for this one could be "Audrey" (Little Shop of Horrors) or "Snapdragon" (plant name).
The current drop rate is 100% on WoWHead and its spawn timer is approx 5 minutes. Easy to solo as a 100 Frost Mage. Honestly, the hardest part was finding the cave entrance, which is at the bottom of the hill at 49.29, 53.44, larger than other entrances but pushed back from the main road. Also, get the Garrison Resources while in the cave!
Caught mine on Tuesday 6/4/2013 at 7:14pm Realm time. She was at Stars' Rest and her two adds were both crabs.
Many people were camping spots, but nobody was camping that spot at the time. It's a race.. just have to be there at the right place at the right time, when no one else is there. *sigh*
She had Unholy Ascension in her arsenal but never had the chance to use it. Make sure to have pets that can sleep/stun if Haunt comes up. Also have power pets to take out the two pets with her. :)
Follow the Slicky Stream from Grookin Hill to Sepeant's Heart in the Jade Forest. You'll find red ones and yellow ones. To my knowledge, these do not change color when summoned.
Go to Skald and pick up a Basilisk! Skittering Cavern Crawlers show up to help the Basilisks, so you can capture those there instead of searching the cave to catch them for the achiev.
I caught my Rare between Tuurem and Stonebreaker Hold, by the river.
They are great! I found 2-3 of them out at one time at Sporeggar when no one was around. A Sporeling is usually backed by a snake and a frog, all lv18. So far I caught 2 Poor, 5-6 Common, 1 Uncommon, 1 Rare.
Patch 5.1 UPDATE: After patch 5.1, my Sporeling's powerful move "Takedown" has now been replaced with new weaker move "Charge." Master Pet Tamer in Sporregar still has a Sporeling that does Takedown.
This was a surprise. Each time you let it battle, it will turn a different color. I didn't notice it until it turned red, the color of scorpid that I was trying to capture in that battle. It seems to turn brown or black the most often for me so far.
It's 3:20pm server time and I'm finding molten hatchlings everywhere in the lava pools of Searing Gorge. Apparently it doesn't need to be early morning to find them. However, I checked around 1pm server time and saw nothing, and also saw no hatchlings at night. So maybe they are a "day only" pet with odd spawn times?
I also caught mine at the outer courtyard in the Ruins of Lordaeron (Undercity). Its odd, but the picture for it on this website shows far more than the actual ghost does. Why are we missing the details such as chains and cloth wrinkles?
If you don't find any Tiny Twisters at The Circle Of Outer Binding, kill all the Thundering Exiles. They will respawn as the pets. I've tried it and it works. I killed all of them and two pets appeared when the other elementals respawned.
Wisp is my #1 guy to capture any wild pet! Set it up with Light, Arcane Blast, and Arcane Explosion. Light and Arcane Blast will obliterate most of the HP, then use Arcane Explosion to inch the pets health down to being capturable. The extra bonus is that you can also use Arc Explosion to hit the back line of pets, prepping that 2ed or 3rd pet for capturing while battling the 1st trash pet.