Rextalionis' Comments
(4) comments by Rextalionis

Comments by Date (4)
Strong against undead pets, weak against critters. Its speed tends to be greater than its power. This pet is very easy to obtain. Speak to Auntie Stormstout at the entrance of the Stormstout Brewery entrance and buy her tea. When you drink the tea, you'll be able to see little gold hoplings hiding in the corners. I recommend that you pick up several in case your tea wears out. Quest is best performed when the instance is finished in order to avoid having the ads and bosses get in the way.
Very easy to find, thus not very valueable or expensive. Decent for helping your other pets level. Devour gives it a bit of tenacity in battle. Bite can do a good bit of damage in PvE pet battles, especially when powered up with Exposed Wounds. Wouldn't recommend it much for PVP pet battles, unless you know it's going to get the job done. I prefer Chrominius for it power + self-healing abilities.
Very easy to find in Deadwind Pass near the entrance to the Kharazan instance. Spawn in front, back, top and sides of the building, as well as in the adjacent water channel. Easy to find via flight form or flying mount. They spawn 24 hours a day, but you may wish to hunt for them before and after hunting for Restless Shadelings in the Master's Cellar. If you don't find rares, check again later, and you may double or triple your luck! If these were tradeable, I'd make a killing!
A very powerful pet and an excellent ally! Every serious pet battler should have three!