Retzilla's Comments
(13) comments by Retzilla

Comments by Date (13)
This is the most common moth on the isle. found my rare and another straight afta that i held onto until a mate got there.
Got mine on my 55th Nest, give or take. P/P breed for me, it is uncommon once you learn it.
had a toon parked there on 2nd account, tabbed to it and it was raining. there were about 6 to 8 people flying around getting theres. i got uncommon p/p and poor b/b. on aman'thul around 4.30pm
what would be the best breed as we can have any now?
just captured mine afta flying around to all the different areas. spotted it in icecrown @4:46pm aman'thul. /way 48. 87 it was a poor. B/B
I got mine from Tyr's Hand afta abou 14 minutes.
omg i decided to go get this pet. 1st cast got mr punchy and first use and i got the Magical Crawdad Box. :D STOKED 2.39pm server time on Aman'thul
lots around but all poor or common until about the 10-15th battle got a rare
went back and forth a few times and only 1 came up poor but got it.
i went for this pet and ended they were all poor and 1 common. after there were no more spawned i went to kill some others for levels for 5-10minutes while coming back and cheking every few battles. Then there was only one up and after waiting i thought to myself im just gonna capture it no matter, and to my luck it was a rare :D
atlas loot only shows on 10man. i done it on 10man and got it first shot :)
the first time i seen this it was second to a Golden Civet and was rare lucky me :)
Got my Bonkers on only my 3rd chest. got a H/S