Rejdin's Comments
(18) comments by Rejdin

Comments by Date (18)
Just got mine a rare! at 56,42. I didn't go crazy camping this little guy I just checked the spawn spots. with the Add On Collect Me. and he was there :)
Just got Ominous :) finally! lol. I thought I would do that run while I was waiting for Houlon. YAY :D Cant wait to level her :)
I got him on the fourth run:) he is so cool looking can't wait to try him out :). OKAY so his first spell is Immolation so I had used another pet to help level him. There are a few new pets like this. Is this becoming a new trend?
Just got him I killed 3 elites. There was a mage and druid killing like crazy. I was lucky. lol. dont go crazy for it if you got time just kill when you can. Also level him in the 1 area his first spell is dreadful breath, this attack goes for 3 rounds o.O.
I tried to farm this guy in Swamp of Sorrows, but I was in competition with 2 hunters. So I looked up other options and saw that someone had suggested the cave in Mazthoril in Wintersprings, Not even 2 hrs and I'd say about ten bags and he dropped! Yess.
Still no luck, but it will be all worth it when he drops :)
JUst got Demidos today!! I died in doing so, thank goodness someone was there to help me :) it was my 3rd try, :) He looks soo cool!!! :D Now to level him :)
Just finished the quest today. If you have a level 1 Inn and need to turn in this quest. Mylune will be behind the building, not inside.For me the question mark would be where the fountain was. Very strange. Coarse I completed this daily not on the same day either.
Just got him in my first battle of the season :) nice !!! he's cute :D
Just got mine today. :D I wouldn't go crazy with the camping. just do runs when you can and she will drop :)
bout 79 kills and got him then the second kill from that got another one :) not bad.
I watched Dart spawn and follwed her five or six times no pet, hmm so I killed her. I then logged for a few hours and then came back in around 1:30Pm there she was again running around, I followed her to 48.15 there it was at the base of the tree. just few tries is all you need.
Just got her today. I chased her for 3 days not consecutive, and it was in the afternoon. Now I can chase the other rares without having to stand around lol.
just got my 1000th seed today. Leveling him up. cant wait to see what he's capable of.
2nd day in hunting I found it after 4 battles not bad,
just logged in and ran around the corner and there it was. Location 68.61
I just got this guy this morning! :D I also got the aqua strider yesturday. that was lucky I know. But now it doesn't hurt so much that I didn't get hatespark.... just a little, very little.
I just got him today after having taken the time to get him lol. I found that the youtube locations that these people have found him aren't really exact its really random. I recommend getting the map of his locations and flying around to them.