Refresh_daemon's Comments
(4) comments by Refresh_daemon

Comments by Date (4)
I found this site pretty frequently camped by others (including myself) and several players will do flybyes as well, so there aren't many of these little guys up most of the time.
However, I found that if I logged off in the circle and logged back in during off hours, especially in the early AM (4-8am), I would find between one and eight of these up more likely than not, if someone else didn't have the same idea. Finally got my rare and left a bunch up for everyone else to hunt.
After a couple of weeks of running around Stormwind, I finally ran into Lil Timmy before someone had already bought the White Kitten.
Wowhead has a pretty solid map of where Lil Timmy walks. He spawns on the NE side of the Cathedral district, near the Docks, and then follows the Wowhead map's path counter-clockwise. I personally started my patrol near his spawn point and followed his path clockwise, so I wasn't trying to "catch up" with him, but trying to collide with him on his route.
After hunting for a rare Huge Toad all evening, I noticed that these show up as secondaries uncommonly all over Hillsbrad Foothills. You don't need to stay within Alterac. Just battle everything everywhere and you'll eventually find one as a secondary.
I also noticed that this pet doesn't follow you like the other rabbits when summoned. It just wanders around like its wild version and burrows to despawn.
Found mine as a level 6 secondary to a Darkmoon Glowfly on Darkmoon Island.