Raogrimm's Comments
(2) comments by Raogrimm

Comments by Date (2)
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Re: Graves
The 3 heroes below can be used to AFK with to grind exp, but AFKing is only permitted if your enemy AND teammates are AI. Be sure to set your enemy AI as beginners as this won't affect exp you gain.
Leoric: Resurrects where he dies.
Abathur: Spawns an add every 15 seconds.
Anubarak: Level 4 you can chose "Legion of Bettles" to cause a bettle to spawn every 8 seconds, but it despawns sooner than Abathur's add, so hide in brush or an area off to the side by the enemy's inner gates.
Posted: October 09, 2016 8:42:51 PM
Edits: 2
Rating: +1
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I got a feeling this site is going to grow 'bigly' in WoW community. :D