Randomtackler's Comments
(4) comments by Randomtackler

Comments by Date (4)
When I found out where these guys came from I headed there, I did the round them up & stack them w/Rushing Jade Wind/Spinning Crane Kick & Roll and basically just went to town killing everything. Had the place to myself, which considering how populated the realm I'm on is, was a bit shocking(I'm on Area 52, followed a friend here). It didn't take too long to get one. I ended up with three by the time I decided to take a break. Kill count was 244. Ended up with two H/H & one B/B.
Was looking for new pets. Decided to try for this one. 1:52pm server time and there were only 10 or so when I landed. The first one I clicked to battle turned out to be Rare. And I caught it. I am one happy panda, lol. Realm is Suramar, location cords 47.31 - 54.19
Camped my Druid out in Southern Barrens this morning due to the Restart, the moment the realm came back up and I was able to get past the World Server Down fit I found two right under me at Bael Modan. First was an Uncommon and the second was a Common. Caught them both. Then people did the whole kill the Giraffe groups again. Definately going to try again next restart in hopes of finding a Rare.
After trying all the suggestions I'd read with no luck on my realm(Area 52). I made a DK on Ravenholt a day before restarts because I'd read that it hasn't yet suffered the horrors of CRZ. Headed for Felwood, parked. Next day logged in to Several Minfernals in the area and no one else there. Mostly poor quality, but I know what a pain they are to find so I used forfeit till I found a common one. Next day, one that I tapped was Rare. My leveling pet crit it. I face desked. Repeatedly. Found an Uncommon a day later.