Ramaya's Comments
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Re: Foulwing Buzzer
Ravenomous (Maldraxxus 53, 18) is spawned by smooshing exactly 300 of the small spiders around where he spawns. It will take you about 6-10 min to do depending on how fast u run around (more ppl does not really help the time, the spiders spawn a little slow for two).
The Foulwing Buzzer pet seems to be a VERY POOR DROP RATE as of 2024. I have been killing him every day with mine and my hubby's toon for about 6 months and seen exactly 3 drop between the two of us.
Good luck on your grind!
Posted: November 06, 2024 9:49:15 AM
Edits: 0
Rating: +1
1-2 of 2
Just want to confirm, there are two different skins for this pet. Been farming this guy every day for like 6 months trying to get the stupid backpack. Got lots of pets but today was the first and only one with bones I have seen. Looks like the Bubbling Pustule pet but yellow.
Oily Invertebrate (Malxraxxus 58, 74) is spawned with 10 r/10 b/10 y. Don’t waste time looking for yellow to spawn. Just go down to the water out front of Plaguefall dungeon (57, 65). Theres tons of yellow.