Quintessence's Comments
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@Pantharmaul - There doesn't appear to be any region restriction for this specific promotion.
@Durkmenistan - You're right! Thanks for pointing this out, updated the post.
@Blazedx: It will take a while to receive the follow up emails from Trolli. After 48 hours your friend can message their support email, but it will also take a while to get a Customer Support response (between 24 to 72 hours).
From my own experience, there were three emails from Trolli in total. Submission confirmation, the 'congratulations your submission is valid/accepted so pick your reward', and finally the actual reward code, each taking over 48 hours, except for the first submission confirmation message which was near instant for me.
All Emerald Bounty and Dream Infusion pets are now cageable as of this week's reset (week of November 14) *cheers*
@Moused: Yes, you'll need to buy Cataclysm Classic pack if you want to collect Lil' Wrathion in Retail. The only thing to note is that although Classic gets the pet immediately, there's a delay on delivery for Retail (Patch 10.2).
@Lornaa - We're looking into this, thanks for pointing it out
Please try re-importing your collection again, hopefully we've resolved the issue with the Mote not appearing as 'collected', thanks!
@Lornaa: The pets drop from the epic/purple, rare/blue, and uncommon/green Grand Hunt Spoils, and you can only receive those qualities from the first 3 you complete each week. So I believe it's the first 3 you participate in each week.
@Shyhelma - Since the pet is "Unique" (can only have 1), you won't be able to add another one to your Pet Journal if you already own a Cenarion Hatchling. However, if you're interested in earning the mount from the Twitch Drop, you'll need to earn and claim the pet first before accessing progress towards the mount.
@Fiberoptic - Pebble is a Classic-only companion, so it will not show up when re-importing a collection to WarcraftPets. Because of this, it's not listed under "Collected" or "Wanted", and doesn't count toward the pet total or PetScore. Its page is less for collecting-purposes, and more for reference. Hope that clarifies things!
Update: The noted changed to the Pet Battle Bonus Event is only a tooltip update. Pet experience was already adjusted in Patch 9.1.5 (I even wrote about it but completely forgot lol), and the description for the event is just being updated to properly reflect that change.
Thanks to everyone that pointed it out to me, and sorry for any confusion!
@Legion - Moused is correct. You'll get both Drakks and Murkastrasza with a Dragonflight Heroic Edition pre-order. Updated the post to clarify that you get both pets.
Important Note: If you buy Dragonflight Base or Heroic Edition after the expansion is released, you will not receive Drakks. The Drakks reward only applies to pre-order purchases.
@Pandawaffles16: Safari Hat and pet treats won't work with the battlestone changes. However, they do still stack with the wild battle experience update.
@Margaritha: The updated Battle-Training Stones are not affected by pet treats or the Safari Hat on the PTR atm.
@Irogar: There are no prerequisites that I'm aware of. She only appears on the PTR for now, so make sure you're on the PTR and not on live servers.
If you still can't see her on the PTR, there might be a phasing issue, but it's been so long since I played through Pandaria zones, I'm not sure what storyline you'd have to complete to open up the Temple of the White Tiger area.
According to developer Jeremey Feasel, players will receive a 2nd one if they already own Bananas.
Unfortunately, there seems to be an issue with the rollout of the pet, and many aren't seeing it in their Pet Journals after claiming (regardless if they already owned Bananas or not). Give it some time, hopefully it will resolve on it's own.
@Caanrial: Automating re-imports for every account would tax our system too much and severely slow down the site for all users. We decided to go with a method that would not impact the site as heavily.
@Radriegal: It's not stated directly in Blizzard's announcement blog, but it would seem there are new online privacy laws in California that Blizzard has to comply with, and as a result, those that utilize Blizzard's API must also follow the new rules.
@Kravens: Here's the US Store link for the Shadowlands Complete Collection (more expensive version).
Important note: You can only buy the Complete Collection if you've NEVER purchased WoW or any WoW expansion before. It's similar to how the WoW Battle Chest used to work, and includes stuff like previous expansions. It does not offer more or different redeemable rewards or physical items.
@Dalandius: According to this CS blue post, the Epic Edition Complete Collection is intended for brand new players who have never purchased a WoW expansion. Think of it like the old Battle Chest - it includes previous expansions, plus a few extra perks.
If you already own BFA, you'll get an error when attempting to purchase the Complete Collection.
Happy Patch 11.1 release week ~ over 40 new battle pets to collect yay!
Happy collecting!
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