Queenkwzza's Comments
(6) comments by Queenkwzza

Comments by Date (6)
thx to a tip on here about the Hand of Guldan... flew up there and found one spawned!! was poor quality but atleast i can check it off my list!
I found a common near Purespring Cavern... it was the only critter spawned in that general area.
I got an uncommon from battling a Scorpid... it joined the battle.
I'm very excited because I just caught this one... I flew into CoT and found nothing... then on my way out I headed to the summoning stone and went to the right to sit on the pillar there and wait it out... well the second I went that direction I saw some paw prints on the map!! Yay!! :)
I came back the next day and managed to find 5-6 spawns outside of the Cave entrance and as far out as the hills where "Occulus" usually spawns. I even managed to get a Rare in front of the cave.
I've had issues with finding this pet in the "supposed" area they spawn... I actually just grabbed one around the Dalaran Crater as a secondary spawn from a rat. It was of poor quality. The ones around Ruins of Alterac though are beasts and not critter's on my server... I think they are bugged.
I was having trouble finding these as primary targets... so I just started clicking whatever I could in the Badlands and found rare one as secondary to a Gold Beetle between Dragon's Mouth and Agmond's End.