Pulltheplug's Comments
(4) comments by Pulltheplug

Comments by Date (4)
That said, we're happy to have done all that we can, and we do hope the code is able to be used by you.
Thanks again for contacting us, and for your patience and understanding.
Senior Game Master Dreysoth
Customer Services"
So do not be to happy if you even have the physical card + code with you as it may or may not work. All the best; sorry to be a spoiler but this is fact. =3
got 3 of it =D 2 b/b and 1 h/h,,,also helped my friend get one to a h/h...can watch the videos in youtube.com/user/talagabb theres a few videos which i put up that all 3 Val'kyr in a team...lol
Mini Tyrael can be teamed with almost any kinda of pets to form a good team...because of his abilities like surge of light with frequent stuns, 100% stun, and heal or charge...
P.S It is good to use agianst 1vs1 Anubisath Idol. Usually wins every fight agaisnt 1vs1 Anub* most of the time.
TomTom Addon:
Stray Marmaduke: /way 53.62, 45.90
Basecamp Marmaduke: /way 68.21, 44.82