Pubrulz's Comments
(6) comments by Pubrulz

Comments by Date (6)
No post about the pets/mounts 50% off sale? Now's the time to buy, if you're missing any from the store!
Discovered that this pet can be obtained by characters of any level (I did it at level 20) by taking the ship from SW to Borean Tundra, then going South through the water to the hidden cave.
I would think that if the sapphire cub works, the Zipao Tiger should as well. Tested, but does not work.
Something I did find very cute, is that you can use the and the /sit with pet targeted to make 2 cats cuddle! SOOOO cute!
Whatever happened to no purchase necessary? Buy one over priced item, get a small chance for a free only slightly over priced item. Even if you win the $500 store credit, the spectral tiger mount still costs you over $200.
Eyes glow, similar to the Feline Familiar.
No post about the pets/mounts 50% off sale? Now's the time to buy, if you're missing any from the store!