Protospect's Comments
(6) comments by Protospect

Comments by Date (6)
For the Fight: First, pray to RNGesus.
Your Team:
MPD - Breath, Thunderbolt, Decoy
DMZ - Missile, Bombing Run, Decoy
DMT - Missile, Shoch & Awe, Ion Cannon
MPD - Hit with Breath, drop a Decoy to block Whirlpool, spam Breath until Syd's dead. Swap to DMZ.
DMZ - Drop a Decoy, throw a Bomb, spam Missile until Pointy dies. Bring back MPD.
MPD - Drop a Decoy, swap to DMT.
DMT - Missile/Shock Otto down to ~1000HP, then Ion Cannon FTW.
Just crushed the last two stages:
• Plant sunflowers on the first two rows
• Put up barriers at third row
• Fill fourth and fifth rows with tentacles
• Pumpkin bomb on CD
Tentacles and bombs affect adjacent squares. Aim for the even numbered vertical rows for maximum effect (one square up/down from the bottom/top) and fill the rest in with tentacles afterwards. I didn't plant a single spitter or chiller.
It's probably a complete coincidence, but I've been camping for the Jadefire Spirit in Moonkin Form on and off for weeks, and with somwhere close to 500 Foreboding Flame kills, I'd only gotten one Ominous Flame. Tonight, I went to the cave in Cat Form, and *four* of them dropped in the span of 10 FF kills. Blue kitty attracts blue kitty? Possibly. Or, it was just RNGesus smiling down on me...
Dropped for me on my first very kill of Karr, while doing Pandaren Spirit Tamer dailies - coming from Flowing and heading to Burning. What luck!
Just got this out of the Fel-Touched Pet Supplies that the Cursed Spirit dropped in Tanaan. Kind of excited to have such a rare pet drop, even if it's, you know... ...a bell? Now I'm just torn about whether to name it "Division" or "Alugosi".
According to Rarity, this drop took 102 kills on just one alt. I was worried my loot table was bugged somehow, but droprates aren't cumulative. RNGesus finally came through for me, though! Keep at it, and eventually you'll prevail. The respawn rates others have posted are pretty accurate, but I had issues using Cross Realm Assist to speed the process up - on other realms, I was unable to loot the SoJ at all.