Princessveb's Comments
(9) comments by Princessveb

Comments by Date (9)
i love the Cinder Kitten! so cute! here's a tip: when in battle, usually if you do stealth then claw, it will either kill or give low heath to the enemy. if you miss, do claw again. another tip is that the second power is figuritivly useless. my cinder kitten is lvl 15 and i barely use it! remember to get used to the whispers about your cute Cinder KItten! don't forget the tips i gave you!
this guy is cute.oh,and get ur eyes wide open when u go under water with this pet!u should watch the youtube video for him.Adorable!but in the pic there might be red eye problem.who knows how that happened!!!ii got him from a guy selling them for 50 and 60 gold.i've actully never attacked or battled with him...but ignore that.hes downright cute!hes a aquatic,hes good against elemental and undead.hope this helps a bit...yay?
i think it was this one,but anyway there was a thing that said this would only be in the second place of a battle,but i found it lurking around!these guys are a lot like the REAL battle day,i was in a mine,and i ran into guys that were the real ones!u never know if there in there and this guy doesn't know!i might check out the mine again and see if they are!PS:if u don't have flight path,there's a shortcut across a river in the elwind forest.the real guys are 21 to 25!warning!
these are easy to get at the entrance to a dungeon.don't remember which,they are all over the place!but i'd wtch out for guys reviving well of my guild members tryed and tryed and kept killing it!i got it on the first try.i felt really bad for her.i have it lvl 8.great for ppl who are a little experinced,but have good lvl pets.i can not belive it,but now she has a lvl 11!can not beilive!i don't think she's lvled this guy at all!WOW(not world of world craft,lol)!hope u get it easy!
these guys are cute.u can find them in the elwind forest.don't know how to spell right day i fell off the water fall where u get turtle mounts,and i found these and squirl pollymorphed!they were turtle's and i wanted a turtle,so i battled but turned back to normal form!i know when u hit them they turn back but i didn't even touch him!oh least now i have speedy. maybye u will see turtle envasion on youtube some day!ty for reading and plz comment!
these guys are easy to get outside of the tent of the darkmoon was a long time ago,but i think i was level 30 and went out.i'm warning u now,if ur bellow lvl 70 don't go in if there's a moonfang prowler waring!that guy is lvl 70,with guys surronding her!some times she shows moon moon or the wolf with the moon on it's head(don't know name)i was in the woods when it happened and she was slain.luckly,she was on one side and i was on the other.this glowfly poisins.hope u like this AMAZINGbp
this guy is adorable.i got it by computer choice.i didn't get to pick.weird right?anyway,as soon as i got it,i put it out.i showed one of my guild members at the time,i think she said it was cute.but this is way over cute!
hope u don't have trouble getting the most adorable darkmoon cub!
this little buddy is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cute.Didn't even relize he was in my inventory.he was so easy to get i was amazed he was 1 out of 555.i hope to get more drops!but,1 out of 555 should be a rare.the cinder kittten(sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo adorable! look out for modprincess or majestydawn.i might have her out!)is easy to get and is a rare.i think she was limited time,but really?ty for reading comment and have the best time getting this so cute guy!
i guess some of u are wondering how to get this pet. u go a little into the path to goldshire from stormwind. then turn left, and you will find a house. there is the vendor! on the other hand, this cat may be cute, but not the best at battle.