Poppae11's Comments
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I have Trunks teamed up with Xu-fu in PVP and it can be pretty awesome. Have Trunks slotted with When Elekks Fly and Moonlight and hope most of the hits connect. Switch in Xu-fu to take advantage of Moonlight buff on first slot attack. Buff to get double damage and then Feed when health is low. My third pet usually is the Unborn Val'kyr or a mechanical pet for added variety.
Your PVP wins have to be through battle finder. Got mine today after three days of grinding. Used one of my purple stones to level him straight to 25 to try him right away in PVP.
My my team for most of my 250 PVP wins were: Rabbit (ninja), Unborn Valkyr, and a Fiendish Imp. I sometimes substitute a ninja crow for the Imp for variety. I forfeit matches where my opponent has a crab because of their shields.
For those encountering Magical Crawdad and Singing Sunflower in PVP, counter with a Gilnean raven on your team or the Jademist Dancer.
Got her to drop today and she says some funny things when you summon her. Haven't leveled her up yet. It's amazing how much these pets are selling for right now in the AH.
She's funny. "You're in trouble now" and "Don't touch what you can't afford"
Great pet
I just beat the Celestial Tournament for the first time today. Beating it the first time gives you 3 celestial coins. It costs 3 celestial coins to get one of 4 celestial pets. I chose Xu-Fu because he's so CUTE! I may not enter the celestial tournament again. I just wanted Xu-Fu.
I used Zagams celestial tournament guide: http://www.icy-veins.com/forums/topic/4180-zagams-celestial-tournament-guide/
Works like a charm. :)
I finally found one at the Southwest part of Grizzly Hills (25.8, 56.8). An uncommon B/B. Used the Pet Tracker addon for the spawn locations. I found one after 1 fly around in Northrend. Instantly upgraded her to a rare with a stone. I've used her for some of the daily pet battles at my Menagerie and she is awesome. Particularly, I recommend using her for the Rockbiter, Stonechewer, and Acidtooth.
Can some give recommendations of teams for PVP using an Unborn Val'kyr?
I just got into pet battling this week and I've been occupied with the timeless isle drops. After days camping for the Ruby Drop from Garnia, I gave up and bought one from trade. Today, I went back to the timeless isle to try my luck on my next pet drop and went into the spirit caves to try to get Ominous Flame to drop. My second run through the cave it dropped for me. On to Jademist! Happy hunting everyone.
Use your magical mirror to transform to this pet then dance. You will be doing Soulja Boys Superman dance...you're welcome