Pompea's Comments
(6) comments by

Comments by Date (6)
Just picked him up for pretty cheap off the AH. As far as I know they have increased his size, or at least in my opinion he's not nearly as small as the other comments would have us (or maybe only me) believe. Average size for a pet, really, and totally cute with his fez.
Picked up a rare on the side of a mountain near Onekeg, have sees others scattered about the sides of them.
Just caught a rare one today along the river. So cute! 4:30 server time and they're relatively common along the water.
Found them in singles scattered about the zone. Picked up a cute uncommon along the way. :)
Got to the pass around 12:25 server time, thought I'd be too late to grab one. I almost was, there was only one left set way back in a tiny corner of one of the cellars that I assume nobody checked. Make sure to sweep the the whole area of both cellars before giving up! Mine is of common quality. :)
Followed some of the comments here and killed some of the protos while I waited. Took all of two minutes for one to spawn and for me to capture it. :) Not sure if killing the protos really works, or just a funny coincidence though.