Plucky's Comments
(2) comments by Plucky

Comments by Date (2)
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Re: Peddlefeet
Peddlefeet is slightly easier to obtain in this year's Love is in the Air, He is obtained for 40 Love Tokens at any Love Merchant near him.The Love Tokens are easy to aquire by completing the 4 dailies at your 4 home cities, you must give a Lovly Charm Bracelet to their leaders to complete the dailies, to make the Bracelets, you'll need 10 beads which are obtained from any kill that awards you xp, remember to pick up the Charm Collector's Kit from the questgiver Kwee Q Peddlefeet.
Posted: February 07, 2010 3:24:51 AM
Edits: 0
Rating: +2
1-2 of 2
I recommend people to try to gather the tokens for the other Mounts and Pet first before trying to take down the Fox Kit, you may be lucky enough to encounter one....or not, who knows!