Piedude139's Comments
(13) comments by Piedude139

Comments by Date (13)
This is an interesting pet. I feel like he's comparable to Emerald Proto-Whelp but with a different niche. While Reforge lacks the raw healing of Emerald Dream (especially with P/P), Soul Of The Forge does come with Extra Plating, and that 50% reduced damage taken for 3 rounds can be very useful if you want to heal through a nuke. If you are taking Reforge you probably want to take Sulfuras Smash as your damaging move, but if you opt for Flamethrower then Deep Burn becomes more effective.
The Court Scribe is a Magic pet that can put out both Magical and Undead damage. It also has a slightly higher speed and lower health than most other PS breeds, which can give it a frequent advantage vs pets of the same breed. Consume Magic is great for negating attacks that either happen when a Debuff ends or that leave one on you, and it heals you at the same time. With the Magic pet racial this heal can end up being more advantageous than it otherwise would be. Not top tier, but decent.
Do not worry about finding and capturing a Rare when only 4 spawn and you need to avoid PvP, just catch the first one you find and Upgrade it to Rare with a Marked Flawless Battle-Stone that you can buy in the Dalaran pet shop for 15 Pet Charms.
With Pet charms being pretty easy to get this is definitely a less painstaking way to obtain a Rare than the alternative.
This pet is deceptively good in fights. It's no Pandaren Water Spirit, but it can hold it's own for sure. The S/S breed synergizes with Quills, and with S/S it also gets a funky-but-powerful 309 base speed when upgraded to Rare. This makes it a very fast pet, and while not as fast as some other S/S pets it does have a higher attack.
WHY is this pet ranked so poorly? It's faster than a speeding murloc and can blind for effectively two turns! On top of this it has great synergy within itself with Poison Fang causing Puncture Wound to do double damage! With the SS breed you get 341 speed, and can deal 560 damage with the enhanced puncture wound! On top of a potentially 2 turn blind! With the option of even taking crouch this thing is a powerhouse.
I really wish this guy wasn't B/B... but that aside he's pretty cool in a fight. Murkmorphosis gives a nice boost in damage, and a lucky crit can change the tide of a fight. When Murkidan starts taking too much damage he can cast either of his two Immolation abilities and swap out for some back row self-heals. If you have someone else who can heal him while he's back there he can quickly get back to full health and back out into battle.
Here are some things I noticed while finding my Minfernal:
1) I flew around the area with the fel pits killing every critter I could find, I did this for over 30 minutes and nothing happened.
2) I real hopped for 10 minutes, no luck.
3) Immediately upon returning to my server I found a sole Rare P/P Minfernal looking at me. What I noticed was that it wasn't inside the pits as I had imagined it would be. Rather, it was exactly where it's larger monster version would have spawned.
Mudslide is really good for setting it up so that your enemy can't switch out their next pet in the middle of your Kun'lai Runt's combo, or any other similar move set. Just use it, kill your opponent, and when they send their next pet in it will be trapped for three rounds. Just be careful, as this can work against you too if you aren't prepared.
Just off the top of my head this pet, Kun'lai Runt, and some reliable elemental pet who can avoid the negative effects of mudslide would be pretty good.
Updating for new information:
This battlepet is amazing, with a S/S breed it can outspeed a large portion of the competition which allows it to blind the opponent for two effective attacks. This will make both miss, and allow you to land your own nuke on them. Very strong in PvP and PvE, and it's undead type gives it an extra turn when it dies!
This pet is probably a reference to how overpowered the Golems were on their respective map in HoTS at the time of this promotion's release. It was quite common for one team to get 90+ skulls and for the other to get 10.. or even just 1. I especially appreciate how one of Graves animations is his actual attack in HoTS. I still find myself avoiding that green circle in WoW from time to time!
I wonder if this will still be available when Legion releases and Dalaran moves (again)?
I got this pet a few days ago, and you do not need flying to get to its location. If you swim around the back-right side of Highmaul you can run up the beach to a wall with some rocks and logs sticking out of it. It's not easy, but you CAN jump from one rock to a log, to another log, and onto the top of the wall. I did so on a hunter.
The competition to snag this guy is tough. Do what I did and create a level 1 alt on the lowest population server you can find. I reccomend venturing into a RP or RPPvP realm as they only blend in with populations of the same server type. Just remember to be respectful! Name yourself something fitting of your race and don't go in spamming Toys that make you into a giant Tauren in the middle of Ironforge!