Phoenixap's Comments
(4) comments by Phoenixap

Comments by Date (4) shows this pet, in my inventory, as the highest possible health... and thats at uncommon. I will be curious to pop a rare stone on this. Could be a super tanky pet with shell and his absorb attack.
This guy is a crazy good tanking and power levelling pet. I take Snap (critter dmg), Healing Wave, and Shell Shield. I start combat with Shell Shield up - maintain that, and snap my way to victory with occasional healing waves. I like to use this guy around Half Hill with a low level pet in my group, I start combat with that pet and then kill everything with the crab. With +dmg to critters you clear a team in no time with very little loss of health overall.
This is a pretty amazing pet. I take Poison Spit, Brittle Webbing, and Leech Life. Start every combat with Brittle webbing then alternate leech life with upkeeping the two dots. I can take on entire groups of battle pets and lose very little health. Its great for power levelling up lower level pets.
This pet doesnt seem to show up on the warcraft community site under my profile. Good pet though! Shield and a heal attack + Ram!