Phaidra's Comments
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Killed all non-battle versions of the pet as well as every other active battle in the area for a little bit (~32 minutes). A rare quailty one eventually spawned @ 73,40 - on the hill with the Cinderhoney Droplet mobs. Happy Hunting!
Found at 25.75, 22.93 thanks to the comments here.
Found at 47.93, 78.13 after 1 hour of flying around and killing placeholders.
Can anyone confirm if this still drops in Dragonflight? I can confirm as of 10.0.7 that this does in fact still drop. Received tonight and I was shocked. I guess after ~6+ years and the painstaking cycling through 16 toons each time Kirin Tor Emissary was up - all I had to do was ask here if it still existed.
To all those still grinding, I feel your pain. Do not give up.
Cute lil one! For those discouraged with seeing folks getting it under 20 attempts... do not fret. I finally received today after 55 orbs. Don't give up. It does exist. Happy hunting, friends.
Followed instructions from Fourthrock and Rakeling (Thank you both). Had to exit the game completely as a reload did not work to pop quest after the necklace destroy part. Everything else went smoothly. Went to accept last quest and noticed it said 1/1 for Slim. I did not have him before I started the first quest. Same as Jaladar in the comments. So it looks like it is double bugged maybe? Idk. But now he exists in my journal and I got 50g for vendoring the one I got as a reward.